The OpenEdge DBA Files

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Paul Guggenheim

About Paul Guggenheim While attending a 1984 trade show, Paul discovered the Progress Language and Database for building applications. Before long, he quickly became a Progress evangelist. This strong passion still drives Paul today in finding creative ways for solving issues and presenting solutions. Paul enjoys providing a wide array of OpenEdge consulting services that include database design, application development, performance tuning, and web services. Leveraging an MBA from University of Chicago, Paul applies his comprehensive business knowledge to a wide range of industries. Having educated OpenEdge developers since 1986, Paul uses his vast training experience in developing several comprehensive, high-quality OpenEdge training courses. Throughout his career, Paul enjoys speaking at several national and international conferences. He also is a member of the PUG Challenge Americas Conference steering committee. E-mail:

Diet for a fat client

Gone are the days when a client can snack on fast food records served up directly from the McServer. Reading records one at a time over a network connection is like consuming empty calories. It’s not a good situation where the client is so fat that it can’t move or function quickly.

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