This first tip is to create a development shortcut for building programs. First step is to collect three files that we will use in this shortcut, these are:
Create a c:\develop folder and create these files in it.
With these three files we can build programs without having to go into the product menu eventually.
In my PF file I have...
-mmax 2048
-s 3000
-TB 24
-TM 24
-d dmy
-Bt 20480
-Mm 4096
-cpstream ibm850
-cpterm iso8859-1
-inp 32000
-h 50
-numsep 46
-numdec 44
-T c:\temp
In my INI file, in the [Startup] section I have:
[Startup] V6Display=no
PROPATH=C:\develop,E:\Progress\OpenEdge\gui... <snipped>
Inside the program desenv.p you will add this code:
RUN _desk.p.
Now let's create the shortcut using these three files, so the AVM can run properly.
To do this create a shortcut, in this shortcut the Target program will be prowin.exe or prowin32.exe, to which we'll add our configuration files:
C:\Progress\OpenEdge\bin\prowin.exe -basekey ini -ininame desenv.ini -pf -p c:\develop\desenv.p
Set the "Start In" folder to the c:\develop folder you created earlier, otherwise the files
desenv.ini and will not be found and errors will occur. The most common errors are
msgOpen: unable to open message file: PROMSGS.
Using this same tip, we can create a shortcut for Windows, Linux or Unix!
Post your questions, critiques, suggestions, or tell me about my mistakes so we can help each other! Good development and see you next time!
[Editor Note]: Jaison will be back with more tips, and you can always find him and his all his tips and tricks on his LinkedIn page.