It’s been on our TODO list for quite some time and we’re proud to say that you can now find detailed help pages at You’ll find installation instructions, information on how to configure alerting, and, importantly, insights into how to interpret the 1000+ metrics that are available in ProTop.
If you’re running ProTop Real Time (RT), you can access the help page at any time by hitting “h” or “?”. There are about 50 data panels available in ProTop RT, plus a bunch of free tools to generate table/index range size parameters, SQL update statistics scripts, and more.
You can mix-and-match the data screens by simply toggling the associated command key. Careful as they are case sensitive: “b” will display Blocked Sessions whereas “B” will display our BigB Guestimator.
By default, ProTop starts with the Dashboard View, Table Activity, Index Activity and User IO Activity. You can customize the startup screens by passing the data collector names on the command line:
$ bin/protop s2k configuration blocked
In this example, when ProTop starts, the configuration and blocked panels are displayed instead of the default panels.
If you’d like to try the latest and greatest iteration of ProTop, you can download our experimental version but you need to ask us for the secret link! Caveat Emptor: experimental means that you might come across some <ahem> undocumented features <ahem>.
We’ll be diving into all kinds of cool stuff that you can do with ProTop over the next few months. Like isolating horrendously bad code (what? bad code? impossible!), or identifying infrastructure issues, or simply helping you plan for the growth of your business.
And again, please ping us if you have a specific question about ProTop or OpenEdge in general.