The OpenEdge DBA Files

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Jean-Charles Bellemare

JC first joined Paul Koufalis and Hugues Aubuchon as a Technical Support Specialist in 1996, marking his debut in the Progress world. Known for his quick and efficient problem-solving skills, he is the go-to-guy to solve any and every Progress database related problem you might have. In addition to working in his mancave (where you’ll find him most of the time), JC enjoys travelling and trying to keep up with his daughters when they’re out cycling.

The Smoking Gun

We got a call from a company that had been trying for months to find out how, where and why their system was slow. They had already spent thousands of dollars with system and OpenEdge consultants, all to no avail. ProTop found and reported the root cause in the first hour.

First thing first: record statistics

As we always do (and so should you!), we installed and configured ProTop to record as many statistics as possible for Progress and the operating system. As the first data points were coming in to the web portal, ProTop was already showing a few things worth digging into. (Quick note: most of the data shown below are available in the free version of ProTop, but this was a paid services engagement so some of the data and graphs shown below were provided by the commercial version of ProTop).

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My OpenEdge environment is slow!

Three customers: two new, one existing. Same problem: my OpenEdge environment is SLOW! They had been searching for the root cause and running out of ideas, so they called for help.

Case #1

3 weeks ago we received a call from a company having performance issues following a double update: Progress OpenEdge 11.6 to 11.7.9, Windows 2016 to Windows 2019. Ok… this is quite straightforward, what’s the problem? Everything is slower since the update. A report takes 5 to 6 minutes instead of 2.

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