The OpenEdge DBA Files

Why is External Shared Storage a Bad Idea for Your Database?
If performance is not important to your database, you can stop reading.

Your database will crash! Should I, would I or could I kill your user process?
A couple of weeks ago we received a ProTop alert about a long running transaction that was threatening to bring down our customer’s ERP system. It is not a pleasant SMS to get on a Saturday night, but I knew I needed to respond quickly to prevent a crash.

EMEA PUG Challenge, October 10-12, 2018 at the Croke Park Stadium, Dublin
White Star Software is proudly sponsoring the EMEA PUG Challenge at the Croke Park Stadium in Dublin, Ireland. With 85 speakers, 500+ attendees and 12 workshops over 3 days, PUG Challenge is a conference for everyone who uses Progress products to develop or run business systems, whether they be developers, software architects, database administrators, infrastructure specialists, business analysts or sales people.

PUG Challenge Americas, October 24-26, 2018 at the Nashua, NH Radisson Hotel
White Star Software is proudly sponsoring the PUG Challenge Americas conference, at the Radisson Hotel in Nashua, New Hampshire. This conference includes 60+ breakout sessions and workshops over 3 days, put on by Progress users for Progress users. It includes sessions covering the 4GL, database, integration, complementary technologies and more.

QAD Midwest User Group, September 16-18, 2018 at the Hilton Cleveland Downtown
White Star Software is proudly sponsoring the MWUG’s Fall 2018 conference at the Hilton Cleveland Downtown. The Midwest User Group is a fast-growing body of QAD users and Associates (vendors/service providers) who are improving their business practices and manufacturing processes through the use of QAD’s enterprise application and manufacturing management software.

The Top 5 Business Continuity Excuses I Hear Every Day
Reader beware: this is going to get ugly
Before we start: if you’re a technical person reading this, please forward to your boss, your boss’ boss and your boss’ boss’ boss. Forward it all the way up the org chart. Print it out and tack it to the bulletin board in the cafeteria. Make sure no one in I.T. management or at the C-level can pretend they didn’t know.

Dump and Load Strategies Part II: Dumping Data
If you read Part I, you’ve already analyzed your data and designed your Type II storage areas and you’re ready to dump your existing data and load it into the new structure. If you’re still using Type I storage areas, this will probably be the slowest part of the entire D&L process so don’t despair. The load and the index rebuild should take considerably less time than the dump.

Diagnosing Performance Issues (Part 1 of 8192)
Picture a Rubik’s cube in your mind: at the core is the holy grail of system performance, and every colored tile is a potential bottleneck preventing you from attaining that perfection. On one side, you find database issues, another side is the network, there are the physical servers, and mixed throughout is plain old bad code. Today we’ll focus on a few big red flags related to your physical system resources: CPU, memory and disk.

Dump and Load Strategies Part I: Type II Storage Areas
Congratulations! You finally decided to join the modern world and take advantage of Type II Storage Areas (SAII). Hey – better late than never. There’s a lot of old, out-of-date or just-plain-wrong information out there, so ignore all that stuff. I have conveniently digested some useful, pertinent and correct information right here.