The OpenEdge DBA Files
Posts about:
Database Internals

Schema Area Gotchas
The schema area should not be used to store application data. And, if you are getting ready to dump & load, certain schema attributes require special attention.

The Curse of Deleted Key Placeholders
This week, Patrice Perrot from PROGINOV joins Paul Koufalis to talk about deleted key placeholders.
After a massive data purge, you run idxcompact, right? You want to remove all those deleted key placeholders polluting your index.
Guess what? Idxcompact doesn't remove those placeholders the way you think it does.
What is a Deleted Key Placeholder?
From the Progress Documentation:

User Died, DB Crashed, Business MAD!
Anyone who has been around the OpenEdge world for a while has had to face the dreaded “User died holding shared memory latch. ABNORMAL SHUTDOWN” crash. While this sometimes happens as a result of a Progress OpenEdge bug, more often than not it’s a human error. Here are three key points to understand in order to minimize the chance of crashing your database when trying to terminate a shared memory client.

Insane Adventures In Version 8 Corruption
Friday. 11:00 AM. I get a phone call from a managed services provider who knows nothing about OpenEdge. Their customer had been down since around 5:00 AM and no one knew what to do. Oh, and by the way, this is version 8 on Windows.

Dump and Load Strategies Part I: Type II Storage Areas
Congratulations! You finally decided to join the modern world and take advantage of Type II Storage Areas (SAII). Hey – better late than never. There’s a lot of old, out-of-date or just-plain-wrong information out there, so ignore all that stuff. I have conveniently digested some useful, pertinent and correct information right here.