The OpenEdge DBA Files

New Programmer Series: Setting up your IDE
Today’s blog post comes from Jaison Antoniazzi, a 20+ year OpenEdge expert from Brazil and author of two books in Portuguese on OpenEdge.
Jaison has embarked on an ambitious project for 2022: 365 days of Progress OpenEdge development tips, which he is sharing on LinkedIn!

Finding code : Lock Table Overflow
Use ProTop to monitor and alert for lock table usage and discover the cause of lock table overflows in your database application.

OpenEdge Collections: What are they? Why use them?
Why are Collections practical when developing Progress OpenEdge applications?

It's Time to Manage Your Extents!
"Will ProTop tell me when it is time to add a new fixed and or variable extent to my OpenEdge database?" It most certainly can.

New Programmer Series: Adding a Test Database
Today’s blog post comes from Jaison Antoniazzi, a 20+ year OpenEdge expert from Brazil and author of two books in Portuguese on OpenEdge.
Jaison has embarked on an ambitious project for 2022: 365 days of Progress OpenEdge development tips, which he is sharing on LinkedIn!
Tip #2 - Creating a test database
Now that we have a shortcut opening the Desktop or the GUI Procedure Editor and the AppBuilder ready to develop (see Jaison's tip #1), I am throwing cold water... Calm down! We must create and set up the test database for what we are going to do!

Schema Area Gotchas
The schema area should not be used to store application data. And, if you are getting ready to dump & load, certain schema attributes require special attention.

The Curse of Deleted Key Placeholders
This week, Patrice Perrot from PROGINOV joins Paul Koufalis to talk about deleted key placeholders.
After a massive data purge, you run idxcompact, right? You want to remove all those deleted key placeholders polluting your index.
Guess what? Idxcompact doesn't remove those placeholders the way you think it does.
What is a Deleted Key Placeholder?
From the Progress Documentation:

New Programmer Series: Getting Started with the OpenEdge ABL
Today’s blog post comes from Jaison Antoniazzi, a 20+ year OpenEdge expert from Brazil and author of two books in Portuguese on OpenEdge.
Jaison has embarked on an ambitious project for 2022: 365 days of Progress OpenEdge development tips, which he is sharing on LinkedIn!
Tip #1: Setting up a development env
This first tip is to create a development shortcut for building programs. First step is to collect three files that we will use in this shortcut, these are: